Week Two - Personal Growth Night

Week Two

Personal Growth Night

Welcome back

Week one in the books! You’ve got one group under your belt making you a veteran dinner group leader. This week you’re going to learn about personal growth nights. Our Community Director, Nick Lenzi is going to discuss the opportunity your group has to support one another’s spiritual growth. One of the best tools we have for helping people grow spiritually is our experience plan.

The goal of week two’s discussion is for your group members to begin talking about their faith. In response to question three, group members may begin sharing more personal information. Affirm anyone who opens up and ask the group to extend confidentiality if necessary. Also, be alert that discussion could get sidetracked by personal stories. If that happens, nudge the conversation back on topic.

Remember as you walk through this with your group, you are not responsible for your group’s spiritual growth, but you are responsible for creating an environment that promotes and encourages growth.

Week Two: Personal Growth Night

Watch the video together

In this session, Nick Lenzi provides an overview of our personal growth night.

On Personal Growth Nights, we each share in the next steps in our relationship with God that we are currently taking or hope to take. We celebrate and encourage each other with each step we take.

Video run time: 6 minutes

Experience Plan

Share the Experience Plan with your group as an additional tool to help their personal growth. The Experience Plan Guidelines will help you navigate how to engage your group with the tool. We covered in today’s video but if you’d like a refresher or need a quick reminder in the future.

We recommend review the Experience Plans monthly. Groups have been most successful when they pick a consistent rhythm to review it (e.g. the first week of the month). When you review the plan some simple review questions are:

  • Where have you seen or experienced God this past month?

  • Share a habit you’ve been successful with in your plan?

  • Where are you having challenges?

  • What adjustments would you like to make this month?

The first month you might not have the entire group on board but as members share their wins we find that others are really drawn to their group members success and want in too. Keep consistent with it and watch your group members grow!