Week One - Connection

Week One


Connect with Story Cards

How do you get a group of people to start talking? How do you get them to start being real? Story Cards are an exciting way to encourage people to share about their lives and spiritual journeys. You’ll be surprised by how Story Cards draw your group into deeper reflection and more meaningful conversations.

  • Ask each person to pick a card that describes their response to this question: Which picture best represents how you think or feel about beginning this group? 

  • Go around and have everyone share the number of the card they chose and explain why they picked the card they did.

  • If you are meeting online, have the member share the number of the card they chose so you can share your screen so everyone can see which number they chose.

Together time

Play the Welcome Video

In this session, Pastor Chris High welcomes you to Dinner Groups at Hoboken Grace. He explains what a dinner group is and your host, Sarah Neral, challenges group members to show up, join in, and be real.

Video run time: 8 minutes

After Group

You did it you made it through your first night as a group together! Pat yourself on the back. A few things we would recommend coming out of the group:

  • Take attendance.

    • You should have received an email 10 minutes prior to group. All you need to do is check off who was able to attend.
  • Send a text or two.

    • Was there anyone you want to thank for joining you tonight at group? Perhaps someone said something meaningful you and want to celebrate that. Affirmation outside of group goes a long way at creating the culture you’d like to encourage inside of group.
  • Preview Week Two

    • If you’d like to get a jump start on the next week you can find that here.