Week Three - Connection & Common Growth Night

Week Three

Connection & Common Growth Night

Welcome back

We’re so glad you joined us for Week Three! Each month we set aside time each month to connect with our groups and with our community through Connection Nights. Connection Nights grow and strengthen our group’s relationships and provide opportunities for new friends to get connected. This week we are going to share with you the three values of dinner group and how you can engage with those values as a group.

In Week Three not only will you learn about our Connection Nights but also how we engage with Sunday conversations each week inside of group. There is a lot of video content this week, so we suggest carving out a small amount of time for social connection within group and diving right into this week’s video and discussion. Enjoy!

We cannot simply talk about God’s word we must put it into action. This is what makes Dinner Groups unique - it is how we grow.

Video One: Connecting Nights

Watch the video together

In this session, Pastor Chris High & Connection Events Team Member, Maria Venter, provides an overview of our Dinner Group value “Connecting the Unconnected,” Connection Nights and lays out how best to plan your Connection Event as a group!

Video run time: 15 minutes

Video Two: Common Growth Nights

Watch the video together

Diving into the second value of Dinner Groups, “helping people take their next steps,” Pastor Chris High helps us identify our next steps in becoming not just knowing.

Video run time: 10 minutes

Once the video is over you can dive into this weeks discussion questions. If you can't find them know that they alway live inside our app in the message.