Week Six - Personal Growth Night

Week Six

Personal Growth Night

Let's Establish Some Rythms

It’s Personal Growth week this week, where we dive into the question – What are rhythms? How do we as individuals and as a church take steps together to become more like God’s son?

Growth isn’t about knowing. It’s about becoming.

In our video this week, elder Justin Michael helps explain how we can be practical in taking these steps and what resources are available to each of us as we grow in our personal relationship with the one who loves us most.

We believe that the journey we are on is about awakening to this truth, that God is present in all aspects of our lives, that our lives are dependent upon Him. As a result, we can connect with Him in all of our circumstances.

Rhythms Introduction

Watch the video together

In this session, Justin Michael introduces how we can build rhythms into our lives to allow us to experience God on a more consistent basis.

Video run time: 16 minutes