Week Eight - Connection Night

Week Eight

Connection Night

Let's have some fun

This week’s focus is around connection. We are leaving you space this week to sponsor a Connection Event. Remember – it’s not about the size of the event, but connecting the unconnected!

If your Connection Event is not happening this week, that’s totally ok! This is why our dinner group pillars exist. Take a moment to reflect and ask this question, what might my group need?

  • Do we need to connect?

  • Should we continue to grow by sharing?

  • Do you want to keep working on what you are learning coming out of Sunday’s conversations?

Lean in to what you feel your group might need. Maybe try something new. Enjoy your time together this week.

In all that we do we are opening doors for people to find their way back to God.

A great connection event is not a huge event or a small event. They are based on the purpose - were there relationships built with new unconnected people?