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Experience Plan Guidelines


In our pursuit of Christ there are certain habits that are crucial to our consistent experience of His love and power. The Experience Plan is a tool that allows group members to set quarterly goals in how they will build these habits into their lives. The habits themselves are not magic, but are simply tools to pursue and experience God. The plan is our way of intentionally pursuing God as opposed to simply hoping that it happens.


A win is not about the goals you set, but about the steps you take. A win is not identifying where you should be in your habits, but rather understanding where you are and setting the goal of taking one step forward. It is your goal to help your group members take one step forward each quarter in at least one of these habits.


In everything we do we understand that there are certain guidelines we need to keep in mind.

Quarterly Planning

Each quarter your group needs to identify and share with one another their goals for that quarter.


Each month your group needs to review their goals for that quarter. Encourage one another, help one another, and pray for one another.


Be sure to take these valuable principles into account as you plan.

Three Step Maximum

You can only do so much at a time. Don’t look to add or take steps forward in more than three areas. It’s more important to take one step forward in one area than to become overwhelmed by the attempt to do more and end up quitting.

Not All at First

Group members may not understand the importance of each step or the reasoning behind that step. This gives you a chance to explain how we experience God, but don’t feel that they need to take each step at the beginning. Some habits will be added as they grow.


Step 1. Print the Plans

If you can’t print them at home, we can print them for you and have them available on Sunday. Print the plans and have them ready for the group meeting.

Step 2. Introduce the Plan

Even if you’re confident that everyone knows what the habits are, take a moment to explain the habits and how they help us pursue and experience Christ. This is helpful for those who are new and is a great reminder for all of us.

Step 3. Give time to complete the plans.

Ensure that people understand that they don’t have to fill in more than their commitment to attend group, but ask them to take a moment to complete the plan based on their goals for the next three months.

Step 4. Share the Plan

Don’t force group members to share the plan, but open it up for those who want the group to help them take steps during the next few months. Let them share and then encourage them as they do.

Step 5. Pray for the Plan

Pray for the group or for each other as you begin the plan.

***Key: Don’t allow the plan to become legalistic. This isn’t about who is where, this is about taking steps forward and increasing our experience of Him no matter where you are.